Rosemount High School - Dedication Page

In Memory of....

Gordon Rose - 1960 Grad

I knew Gordon Rose since grade seven and we were in the same class thoughout Rosemount High School.
He was my mentor when I fell behind in my shool work during the Asian Flu epidemic of 1957.
We shared interest in music and chess during those years.

I found out about his death a day or so later when I went to visit him on his birhday at Camp Lewis in the Laurentians where he was a camp counsilor for the summer of 1961.
He was well liked by anyone who knew him.

Bert Vansytveld - Classmate & Friend

I found this in a search engine, and read the news item.  I live in California, and graduated from high school in 1962.  To read about your Gordon was very interesting, and I actually wish I had known him.  His school interests paralleled mine very closely.

An internet surfer named Gordon D. Rose

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