Rosemount High School - Dedication Page

In Memory of....

Ralph Doorenspleet - 1961 Grad

Ralph Doorenspleet was a classmate of mine from 1957 to 1961. He was a member of Room 214 graduating class in 1961. Ralph died in Ontario in November of 2005. I was particularly glad to have seen Ralph at a reunion of the Room 214 (1961) class which was held in Toronto in October of 2004. While not in the best of health even then, he entertained the group with his recollections of Rosemount High. Ralph will be missed by his former classmates.

Ron Macfarlane - Classmate

A few years earlier my father died, and Ralph flew over to the Netherlands where we live to help us in our time of need. He and my father could have been brothers-just as hardworking, loyal, stubborn and driven. It saddened me so when Ralph died, words failed me. Many happy memories of our shared times with him and his family I will cherish all my life.


Roy Doorenspleet - nephew


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